Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thank-you for the Magical Roller Coaster Ride...............

One day last week, I received an e-mail from a long time friend from Montreal, Phyllis R. She sent me a link to an interview that was on radio station CJAD, a very popular Montreal station. The email said... this posting is for former Montrealers …. all nostalgia buffs out there, you will love this.   
Being born and raised in Montreal, I clicked the link and heard an amazing interview between the radio host Aaron Rand and Barry Zbar a former Montrealer now living in Toronto, and who started a Facebook page a year ago, called Montreal Memories. 

Barry invited Montrealers and former Montrealers to join his page and enjoy a magical roller coaster ride of days gone bye.

I joined and told my husband to join and sent messages to some of my Montreal friends and family to come and have fun.

And fun it has been! Reminiscing where we went to school, favorite teachers, and not so favorite teachers, popular restaurants and hang outs that aren’t around any more, and pictures galore. Bus tickets that cost 15 cents a ride, Montreal Canadiens our famous hockey team, The Forum and of course Montreal’s Expo 67. What memories! A reunion online……..
I posted a note asking how many former Montrealers are now living in Israel. I am happy to report that there are a large contingent of us living all over the country from the North to the South and everywhere in-between. Some have been here 30 plus years.  

Moetzi Shabbat [Saturday night] Avraham and I showed our son, who was born in Ontario in the 80’s, our life as kids and he was fascinated and really taken back. Eli-Chaim said to me, "your life growing up was much easier than when he was a teenager or teens today. Life was so much simpler then. Kids were kids. There wasn’t the pressure that kids have today." I had to agree with him. 
Thank-you Phyllis for sending me the e-mail.You made my day!
Until next time